A supermarket giant has helped bring festive cheer to a Glasgow charity and its users. 

Aldi and Age Scotland provided funding to Cranhill Development Trust to allow them to hold a special Christmas celebration they otherwise couldn't afford.

The event was held at the Cranhill Development Trust in Glasgow with a three-course Christmas dinner, snacks, drinks and festive-themed games for the guests.

Glasgow Times:

Emma Young, of Cranhill Development Trust, said: “Thanks to Aldi, we’ve been able to throw an extra special Christmas party this year.

"Many of our members don’t have any family so the opportunity to come together to enjoy a good meal, quality entertainment and great company can make a huge difference to older people’s quality of life at any time of the year, but no more so than at Christmas.

“It will be a wonderful lasting memory for years to come. We cannot thank Aldi enough for their support.”

Stacey Kitzinger, head of fundraising and marketing at Age Scotland, said: “We were delighted to team up with Aldi to spread some festive cheer this winter and put a smile on older people’s faces through kind words and funny jokes.

“For many of the older people we support, these Christmas parties will be one of the biggest social events, if not the only social event, they’ll attend this season.

“Seeing the Cranhill groups’ faces light up as they read their Festive Friends postcards is one of the best gifts we could’ve asked for this Christmas and showcases the real difference this campaign has had on the lives of older people across Scotland.

"It highlights that while money is tight, reaching out to help older people feel a little less lonely doesn’t have to cost anything – often the simplest of acts can have the biggest impact.”

Glasgow Times:

Richard Holloway, regional director at Aldi Scotland, added: “We’d like to extend a massive thank you to all of our customers who took the time to share their favourite joke or poem. This is the first year we have run this campaign and we’re thrilled with the enthusiasm shown.

“Age Scotland does invaluable work for older people across the country and so we were delighted to extend our support to ensure one of their member groups in need could throw the Christmas party they deserved.”

The Festive Friends campaign was launched by Aldi and Age Scotland in November 2023 and was designed to bring joy to older people experiencing loneliness this winter.

To find out more about the partnership, click HERE