THE last time I went to a barber, I came out looking like Edward Scissorhands had attacked my hair so, naturally, I was a bit hesitant to visit again, but I couldn’t take much more of looking like Bigfoot.

I’d been excited to visit Rebel Rebel in Finnieston after it closed around nine months ago because of a fire, and definitely wasn’t disappointed upon walking in: exposed brick walls and wooden fixtures make the place a modern barbershop with a contemporary twist. I’m particularly taken by the range of clothes on offer in the middle of the shop - and the good tunes as well.

With a clear idea in mind and dead-set on the kind of do I want, I’m told by my hairdresser: “No way. I’m not doing that. That’s pure Turkish barber. No offence to them, but they just hack into your hair with thinning scissors. We don’t do that here.”

Somewhat taken aback, I cower in my chair, having been Turkish barber loyal for years, as the hairdresser quickly recommends another style which I’m more than happy to go along with.

With great chat, plenty of Glasgow banter and loads of careful attention to detail mid-haircut, I feel we both quickly build a strong rapport and, by now, I’m well eased into the Rebel Rebel experience, those initial nerves gone.

Rebel Rebel, I’m told, is for anyone and everyone - which comes as a pleasant surprise - as I’d thought it was like a “traditional barber,” catering to guys. But, no, male, female, young, old, all are welcome. The hairdresser goes on to tell me about some European countries which will allow dogs into barbers - but not women.

We come to the end and, after much styling and some great style and maintenance tips, I’m over-the-moon with the final result; shaved right in at the sides with plenty of length at the top, I feel neat, fresh and ready for the weekend ahead.

Before leaving, I’m asked: “Where do you normally go for your haircut?” Sheepishly, I reply: “The Turkish barber around the corner from me.” We both burst into fits of laughter as I realise there’s really more to hair than the Turkish barber around the corner.

In hindsight, having had a barber experience like I’ve never had before, I come to learn just how important it is for all barbers to really focus on the individual and to give them a great service and experience, topped off with a fantastic haircut. Sadly, not many places practice this - but it looks like I’ve definitely found a hidden gem in Rebel Rebel.

Star rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Book your Rebel Rebel appointment here