RANGERS are down to just 14 fit first team men here. But Walter Smith does not believe injuries have wrecked any hopes of securing a result.

Smith will have four kids on the bench to make up an 18. and he said here today: "The injury situation is severe. But we've got to get on with it. We have 14 to pick from, so it's fair to say there are not that many things we can do in terms of changing.

"The young kids like Rory Loy, Dean Furman and Jordan McMillan will make up the bench. They haven't even had first team experience, so it might be asking a bit much to put them into this environment."

Smith denied that Stefan Klos's career was over. The German keeper - who will retire this season, anyway - is struggling with an old knee problem.

Smith said: "He will see a German specialist on Thursday. The scans do not appear to be showing anything that would suggest he has to stop playing."