A group which brought the Commonwealth Games to our city has already helped make Glasgow a record-breaker.

Glasgow 2014 Ltd has become Glasgow the Chamber of Commerce's 2014th member, making the organisation the biggest business representative body in Scotland.

The Chamber is using the arrival of their new member as a rallying call to small firms to encourage them to get involved in the preparation for the Games which could generate £2billion of work for firms across Scotland.

Glasgow Chamber chief executive Lesley Sawers said: "It is fitting that Glasgow 2014 Ltd should bring us to this landmark.

"Winning the Games is a massive result for Scottish business and now the work, from our perspective, begins in earnest.

"The business community must make sure we in Scotland benefit by winning as many as possible of the contracts that will arise in all sectors from construction to the service industries."

There will be massive redevelopment of the East End with the development of the Games village, the M74 link to the M8 at Kingston and subway network extension. The Government has also pledged an upgrade of the M8.

Tourist chiefs want to increase city visitor figures by 60% and feel the Games would make this achievable. That would take tourist revenue from just over £700million to £1bn, which would support up to 40,000 jobs.

Louise Martin, who spearheaded Glasgow's successful bid, said: "Our membership of the Chamber recognises our intent to engage with business directly in the lead up to the Games."