A LANARKSHIRE school has been hailed by education watchdogs as having a positive impact on young peoples.

Bellshill Academy was recently visited by Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education, whose report said the school has achieved good progress.

The report recognises recent improvements in attainment, highlighting the school's rigorous monitoring and tracking of young people which is starting to boost exam success.

Anne Munro, who has been head teacher at Bellshill Academy for just over two years, said: "Clearly there is still more work to be done, but I'm confident we will continue to make progress thanks to the ongoing support of our pupils, parents, staff and the wider Bellshill community.

"Our pupils should be proud as inspectors found many positive examples of their good work and the genuine pride they have in Bellshill Academy."

Strong ties with the local community, the contribution of the eco-group in improving school grounds and social areas, along with pupils' volunteering and charity work were highlighted as areas where pupils excel.

School Captains and prefects were found to provide positive role models to younger pupils through pastoral support.

And Senior students have a range of opportunities to develop their leadership skills, for example by leading tasks with P7 children in science and internet safety.

School Captain Samantha Miller added: "We understand that our school is not perfect however we believe that the progress made in recent years has been incredible.

"This report defines the change in our school community and pupils can now be proud of coming from Bellshill Academy."

Inspectors also said staff are developing the curriculum and work closely with primary colleagues to share standards.

From S3 to S6, young people experience a broad range of subjects and opportunities, including hairdressing, to support young people to develop a range of employability skills.
