THE parents of the youngest victim of the Glasgow bin lorry crash have spoken of their pride in their "wee fighter".


Alix Stewart, 14, was struck by the out of control council vehicle on Queen Street last Monday, sustaining broken bones and organ damage.

But the brave teenager has already astounded her family by taking her first steps.

Alix's mum, Jacqueline, said: "It is amazing how well she is doing considering how she was last week.

"We were so happy on Monday when she managed to sit up for the first time and watch a film with us but we couldn't believe it yesterday when the physiotherapist called us in to see her on her feet.

"She managed about 50 yards and, I have say, there were tears of joy."

Alix, a third year pupil at Gryffe High School, Houston, was in Glasgow City Centre Christmas shopping with Jacqueline, 43, and big sister Emily, 16.

She left her mum and sister to go and meet two friends at the Duke of Wellington statue on Queen Street.

Just minutes later the out of control bin lorry swerved onto the pavement, hitting the three girls, before continuing along Queen Street.

Alix's friend called Jacqueline to tell her what had happened but when she arrived at the scene her daughter was not there.

Jacqueline, from Kilmalcolm, said: "When Alix's friend phoned and said there had been an accident with a rubbish truck I assumed it was one of those little street sweepers.

"I couldn't understand why there were so many emergency vehicles and so much fuss.

"When I realised what had happened I just had to bite down the panic because I had Emily with me.

"We were told Alix was in one of the first ambulances going to the Royal Infirmary but we didn't know for sure."

Unknown to Jacqueline and Emily, Alix had been hit head-on by the truck and became caught up underneath it.

She was dragged along Queen Street before being left in the road at the junction with St Vincent Place.

Meanwhile, dad Colin, who had heard about the crash on the radio, was frantically calling Alix's phone to try and find her.

The 48-year-old added: "I think I called Alix's phone about 30 times. You just expect your daughter to answer.

"When she didn't I turned the car and headed straight to Glasgow Royal Infirmary."

Alix was one of 10 taken to hospital following the accident, which claimed the lives of six others.

When her parents arrived at hospital they were given just minutes to see her before she was taken away for three hours of treatment.

At around 6pm she went to theatre for an operation that would take six hours and involve four different specialist surgeons.

She had several broken bones, including collar, rib and thigh, severe kidney damage, liver damage, severe grazing to her back and her ear had been torn off.

Following the operation, Alix spent 24 hours in intensive care on a ventilator before being moved to the high dependency ward.

Despite suffering flashbacks to what she had experienced, Colin and Jacqueline say Alix has been incredibly brave.

A talented basketball player, who recently earned a place on the Scotland under-15 basketball team, her mum and dad believe her physical fitness has also helped her through.

Colin said: "Alix is usually fit as a fiddle and I think the fact she was so fit before has really helped her.

"But she has also just been so brave, despite what she remembers about the accident. She's very close to Emily and that has helped her but she's just remarkable.

"She is strong. She is a brave wee fighter."

As well as having her family around her, including older brother Kyle, 18, Alix has received support from her teammates at Lady Rocks, in Cumbernauld, and from her Gryffe High school friends and teachers.

Her hospital room is full of cards, teddies and flowers from people sending love and support.

Doctors say she will be in the Royal Infirmary for at least another week and it may be around six months before she can play basketball again.

Colin added: "The medical staff have been amazing, just incredible, and we can't thank them enough.

"We also want to say a big thank you to the people who were with her at the time of the accident.

"Of course, our thoughts and prayers are with the families who have lost someone.

"We realise how lucky we are and how lucky Alix is."