NHS staff from two Glasgow hospitals have come together to perform a song from hit musical The Greatest Showman.

After many months of rehearsing, singing and sharing happy moments together, the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and Royal Hospital for Children Choir is proud to present its first-ever video recording of This Is Me.

Featuring workers from NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, the choir celebrates everything that makes the NHS so special on its 70th anniversary.

Posting the video on YouTube, Glasgow Children's Hospital Charity stated: "Special thanks are due to every single member of the choir, musical director Martin Kelly, Craig Meighan who filmed and edited the video, and hospital chaplain Jim Meighan for pulling everything together."

The video follows the choir's debut public appearance at a remembrance service as part of The Scottish Cot Death Trust’s International Conference.

Ahead of performance at Glasgow Cathedral last month, hospital chaplain Jim Meighan said: "The idea of forming a choir was one I had been thinking of for some time.

“When the idea was posted on the QEUH staff Facebook page, I didn’t expect such a positive response.

“Every rehearsal was a joy, every mistake was a learning curve and everyone put in the time and dedication to make sure it was a roaring success.

“We have all been blessed by being part of this journey and hopefully it will inspire similar projects and perhaps even other NHS choirs. If so, I can guarantee they will be a part of something very precious.”