THERE are no documents held by Glasgow City Council relating to the checks carried out by the Chief Executive when she approved a donation of a Rolls-Royce.

Boyd Tunnock of Tunnock’s bakery was the donor of the luxury car this year which caused controversy after the Evening Times reported the gift.

The council said it was approved by Annmarie O Donnell after she carried out diligence checks.

Responding to Freedom of Information requests the council said it does not hold any correspondence or reports regarding due diligence undertaken relating to the donation of the Rolls Royce.

It also said there is no defined policy for considering or declaring gifts to the council.

Answering another Freedom of Information request the council said there is no correspondence held between the council and outside bodies, companies or individuals regarding the car.

Meaning there is no correspondence between Mr Tunnock and the council over a gift worth around a quarter of a million pounds.

The car was accepted to be used by the Lord Provost. However, there is no correspondence between the Lord Provost and officers of the council regarding the donation.

Meanwhile, it has emerged that the fuel cost for the new Rolls Royce will be higher than the car it is to replace.

The council said it would be £300 a year more expensive but savings would be made elsewhere.

However petrol consumption of 16 miles per gallon mean it could cost around £3524.49a year to do the same mileage.

Last year, the Volkswagon Phaeton it replaced drove 9,691 miles which the council says cost £1,615.

A council spokesman said: “Our garage anticipates annual fuel costs of £1,938, compared to £1,615 for the previous car.

“This is more than offset by the removal of the lease costs for the Phaeton – generating an overall saving to the city.”

A freedom of information request to revealed three Phaetons drove 79,389 miles in three years, enough to go around the world more than three times.

The car with private registration “GO” travelled a total of 20,855 — 9,691 in 2017, 5,374 in 2016 and 5,790 in 2015.

The second, “VO”, done more, a total of 28,222, which breaks down into 4213 in 2017, 10426 in 2016 and 13583 in 2015.

The third Phaeton, plated SM62 EVY, drove 30,312 — 15,813 in 2015, 12,710 in 2016 and 1,789 in 2017.