A MUM who was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis weeks before her wedding says she hopes running Scotland's biggest 10k race will give hope to others battling the condition.

Lyndsey Samuel, 33, from Glasgow, was diagnosed with the neurological condition seven years ago, five months before her wedding after losing the feeling in the right side of her body.

She thought it was a trapped nerve caused by playing netball but tests showed something more serious was at play.

Luckily, the speech and language therapist has not had any relapses since she was diagnosed but fatigue, pain and sensory disturbances are a daily occurrence.

However, Lyndsey is training for the Great Scottish Run 10k on Sunday, September 30, to inspire her two daughters, Elsie,4 and two-year-old Cora and give hope to others living with the disease as well as raising funds for the MS Society

MS can affect the brain and/or spinal cord, causing a wide range of potential symptoms, including problems with vision, arm or leg movement, sensation or balance.

It is estimated that there are more than 100,000 people living with MS in the UK and Scotland has a higher prevalence than England or Wales.

Lyndsey, who is married to Craig, said: “I hadn’t been unwell so it came as a huge shock when I lost the feeling in the right side of my body.

“I initially thought I had a trapped nerve from playing netball but unfortunately it quickly became apparent there was something more serious happening.

“It was terrifying at the time as the future seemed so unknown.”

“Running clears my mind, it also makes me feel strong.

“Something I feel so passionately about is teaching my daughters how important it is to feel strong and basically when I feel I can’t do it anymore I do it for them.”

“I know first-hand how much of a difference research can make.

“Every penny counts towards improving the future of everyday people like me whose lives get turned upside down with a diagnosis like MS.”

More than 30,000 people are expected to lace up their trainers and raise thousands for good causes in the Great Scottish Run weekend, which includes a 10k, Family Mile, Junior Run and Toddler Dash as well as a 10k and half marathon distances on Sunday.

To enter the Great Scottish Run go to greatscottishrun.com