SCOTTISH women can expect to earn £70,000 less over their lifetime than men because of the gender pay gap, new analysis has revealed.

Research by Labour found that in every age group women earn less than men, which amounts to £73,620 less on average over a lifetime.

Labour has put together a plan to try to reduce the salary imbalance including introducing a civil enforcement system to ensure compliance with gender pay auditing and pressure on more businesses to publish pay ratios.

Scottish Labour’s Economy spokesperson Jackie Baillie MSP said:“It is shameful that under the SNP and the Tories women in Scotland could earn £73,620 less than men on average well into their careers.

“Closing the gender pay gap isn’t just a question of fairness – it is essential for our economy.

“There is so much more to do to shatter the glass ceiling for women. Only Labour will take the radical steps to close the pay gap for good, like a real living wage and forcing companies to publish pay ratios.

“If a company thinks a woman is worth a lower wage than a man then under Labour we’ll force them to admit it.

“This gross inequality is wrong and is holding Scotland’s economy back - it must be tackled by the SNP and the Tories as a matter of urgency.”