THERE is no denying job hunting is the worst.

Finding new work is a full-time job in itself and it can be a daunting, downright draining experience.

But to make matters worse when you get to the end of the yellow brick road and are finally faced with the Emerald City that is your dream (or decent enough you can cope for eight hours a day) job, you're forced to go through the worst of the worst - the job interview.

You've spent hours trawling through job sites, perfecting your CV and pouring your heart into a cover letter only to arrive and be asked 'if you were a fruit, what kind of fruit would you be?'.

Here is our list of answers every Glaswegian would like to give to these interview questions.

1. Where do you see yourself in five years time? 

2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

3. Why should we hire you? 

4. Why do you want this job?

5. What skills do you have that will help you succeed in this role?

6. Are you available to work additional hours when needed?

7. Why did you leave your last job? 

8. What's an average day like in your current job?

9. Describe yourself in three words.

10. Do you have any questions for us?