A CITY councillor has launched a scathing attack on McDonald's for handing out balloons and plastic straws.

Paul Carey said he was “amazed” that it was still taking place as early reports said they would be gone by May.

Balloons were also being released by children into the air, which the councillor condemned as a hazard to wildlife.

McDonald's explained it would be moving away from helium balloons and straws would be replaced by September.

Mr Carey said: “I am just absolutely amazed that McDonald's are still giving away free balloons and are still using the plastic straws and not the paper straws as most pubs have now adapted to.”

In March, McDonald's announced it would be changing to paper straws.

The franchise was tapping into the popular policy saying it mirrored the “public mood”.

Straws are among the top 10 plastic items in the ocean according to Greenpeace.

The Drumchapel councillor added: “Surely it is time that these fast food restaurants came into line with the concerns that the public are raising with regards to wildlife.

“These restaurants now must surely look at other options as most places have done for example many pubs are now using paper straws and I believe many hotels are doing the same.

“Surely, they must rethink this policy due to the damage it does to the wildlife and follow the council’s lead in this.”

Glasgow City Council has stopped using plastic straws and has banned the mass release of balloons from public property and licensed event sin the city.

A spokesman from McDonald's said: “Following a successful trial of paper straws and positive customer feedback we will begin the process of transferring to paper straws across all of our restaurants in September.

“At the start of our paper straw trial, we also took the decision to move plastic straws behind the counter to help reduce plastic waste.

“We are also currently in the process of replacing all helium balloons with stick balloons.”