A PAISLEY pensioner has said she feels “caved in” while her home undergoes cladding works.

Work on Renfrewshire Council properties in Lounsdale Drive, which started in early June, was due to finish at the end of July but has now been delayed.

And it has left Joyce Hanlin, 71, feeling “uptight and stressed” as she struggles to get in and out of her house.

She said: “I feel as if I’m caved in. It’s getting on top of me because everywhere else is getting done and not us. Why start it and not finish it?

“It’s not very nice. I’ve got a shopping trolley and a wee dog and trying to go up that path, I just can’t.”

The work was expected to take between six and eight weeks but the council has conceded a shortage of materials has meant it will not finish until August 10 – more than nine weeks since it started.

Renfrewshire Council has said it will strive to help residents who are struggling while the work is ongoing.

A spokesman said: “The work started on June 4 and was originally scheduled to finish at the end of July, but due to industry-wide shortages of key materials, has been delayed by two weeks and is now due to finish on August 10. This isn’t unusual for a project of this size.

“We always work hard to make sure the impact of this work on residents is minimal and to date we have had few complaints, but we have arranged for council staff to visit Ms Hanlin to see what we can do to help her while we finish the work.”