GLASGOW residents are being urged to join together to oppose the mass eviction of asylum seekers.

Tenants union Living Rent has called for resistance to all forced evictions but 'any means necessary'.

Private housing firm Serco has said it will be evicting up to 300 people who have been told they cannot stay in Britain within the week.

The move is expected to leave large numbers of people on the city's streets with no means of survival.

Read more: Refugees tell of terror at facing eviction from Glasgow homes

As well as urging landlords, housing associations, councillors and social services not to accommodate the controversial move.

Campaigners have said they are 'committed to building neighbourhood power' by rallying in local neighbourhoods and its own membership base to protect those under threat.

Craig Paterson Living Rent Spokesperson said: “As a Tenants’ Union, we will not allow this brutal attack by SERCO on some of the most vulnerable people in our city to become just another episode in the shameful history of housing in Glasgow.

"Our position as a union is clear: We are against all evictions; we are against homelessness; we are against the victimisation and intimidation of tenants by those who hold power, wealth and property in their hands.”

Read more: Refugees tell of terror at facing eviction from Glasgow homes

He added: "We will use any and all means necessary to stop these evictions and urge Serco to abandon this shameful policy. Glasgow has a long and proud history of defending its most vulnerable tenants, from Mary Barbour to the Glasgow Girls and we intend to rally the working-class communities of Glasgow to once again pick up the baton of self defence against these forced evictions which would leave hundreds of people homeless on our streets.”

Read more: Refugees tell of terror at facing eviction from Glasgow homes