BOWEL Cancer UK is looking for volunteers from Glasgow to support people to reduce their risk of developing the disease by helping them to lose weight and become more active.

Known as Life Coaches, they will offer simple tips to people to increase their physical activity, encourage them to sign up to nearby walking groups and leisure centres, give guidance on portion sizes and calories, set them attainable goals and be there to support, motivate and inspire them.

Volunteers with a background of coaching and counselling are preferred, but this can be informal experience, as well as an interest in physical activity and nutrition.

The ideal volunteer will also have empathy for people with health challenges, can show tact and discretion, be enthusiastic and well-organised, and have the ability to maintain trusting relationships.

Full training will be provided by Dundee University.

Claire Donaghy, Head of Scotland for Bowel Cancer UK, said: “This exciting new project empowers people living in Glasgow to take small steps to reduce their risk of bowel cancer with the support of a trained volunteer.

"I would encourage anyone interested in volunteering for the charity as a Life Coach to join us - you won’t regret it.

"Not only will you enhance your knowledge of nutrition and physical activity but you will be helping us to save lives from bowel cancer.”

Every year 3700 people are diagnosed with bowel cancer in Scotland, making it the third most common cancer in the country and second biggest cancer killer.

Research shows that around half of all bowel cancers could be prevented by having a healthier lifestyle, such as being of a healthy weight, taking more exercise, cutting down on alcohol and stopping smoking.

The BeWEL project, funded by the Scottish Government, is being undertaken by Dundee University with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, NHS Tayside and Bowel Cancer UK.

To become a Life Coach for the BeWEL project, or to find out more information, contact Ross Lamb, Health Promotion & Training Coordinator for Scotland, by email at or call 0131 281 7353.