FOOBANK use has fallen in Scotland over the summer - but emergency supplies for children are on the increase.

From July to August 2017, 4951 three day emergency food supplies were given to people in Glasgow by foodbanks in The Trussell Trust’s network with 1861 of these going to children.

During May to June last year 1825 of food parcels went to children - show an increase in demand during the school holidays.

Tara Maguire, Foodbank Manager at Glasgow North East Foodbank: “No one, in this day and age, should need the support of a foodbank.

“It’s something we can all agree on. But during the holidays, we see an increase in need.

“We’re determined to work alongside other foodbanks to bring about long-term change to end hunger not only during the holidays, but at any time of year.

“Whilst we try to work towards this, we’ll continue to take practical action on the ground."

Across Scotland during July and August 2017, 26,506 three day emergency food supplies were provided to people, 8427 of which went to children.

In comparison, during May and June 2017, 8505 supplies went to children.

The figures are a 20 per cent increase of emergency food to children compared to the same period in 2016.

The Trussell Trust warned that despite the potential good news about foodbank use during the summer holidays, the backdrop of year-on-year increases at Scottish foodbanks means 2018 may still be the busiest summer yet.

Ms McGuire added: “We try to provide the best emergency support possible and we signpost regularly to other groups we feel could help anyone we meet in our foodbanks.

“However, it’s only with the community’s continued help that we’re able to carry on our vital work, as we all rely on local donations to run our services.

“We would encourage you to reach out to our local centre to see what they need and how you can support them.”