SERCO has two weeks to lodge a defence in a court battle over threats to evict asylum seekers and refugees.

Govan Law Centre has challenged the firm in a bid to prevent people being thrown out of their homes.

Serco, which has the contract to house asylum seekers said it can’t afford to house failed asylum them as they are not being paid by the Home Office as their applications have been refused.

They say those with refugee status are not entitled to be accommodated by Serco.

Positive Action in Housing, which is supporting the asylum seekers and refugees said it understands human Rights legislation and Scots Law will be under consideration in the case.

It argues refugees have the same rights as Scottish citizens and therefore cannot be evicted without first obtaining a court order.

Robina Qureshi of Positive action in Housing, said: “This is what Rupert Soames (Serco chief Executive) was trying to do. Here was a landlord telling the public that asylum seekers get free housing and heating, and that they have no right to be here, therefore justifying a mass eviction.”