OLD style Clerks of Works should be re-instated to ensure buildings meet safety standards MSPs have been told.

It was claimed that some builders will cut corners and look to make alterations that will reduce costs and maximise profits.

Professor John Cole Chair, chair of the Building Standards Review Panel set up to look at safety after the Grenfell Tower tragedy, said that there needs to be more independent inspections of buildings.

He said the restoration of Clerk of Works, a hands on check. We need independent scrutiny of contractors. We have allowed far too much self-regulation. Some are ticked off in an office and not visiting sites.”

He said the number of building inspectors has reduced but the e is a greater demand for them. He added that ensuring that plans are safety compliant is not enough.

He added: “Nobody ever got injured by a set of drawings falling on them. .”

“We need someone to say that is a compliant building not a compliant set of drawings.”

He added: “Builders will build as cheaply as they can and make as much profit possible.”