A SCOTS vlogger who went on Facebook live to rant against a pregnant woman avoided jail today.

Amanda Britt, 33, used her live streams on the website to insult Christina McKissack between 26 November 2018 and 7 January 2019.

The 33-year-old admitted making “derogatory comments and uttering threats of violence” towards Miss McKissack.

The live stream videos took place in Britt’s home in Glasgow’s Priesthill area.

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Britt pled guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to stalking, aggravated by prejudice related to sexual orientation.

She was placed under social work supervision for a year andbanned from contacting Miss McKissack.

Sheriff Alan Findlay said: “In view of your record and the nature of this offence this a direct alternative to custody.

“If you breach this I will bring you back and deal with you differently.”

The court heard Britt started a live stream on Facebook and Miss McKissack received an alert about this.

Prosecutor Lauren Donnelly said: “The accused began to talk about her and stated ‘I will do her in’ referred to her as a cow and other names.”

Miss McKissack contacted the police.

Britt then started another live stream.

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Miss Donnelly said: “Miss McKissack noted Britt appeared to be under the influence of alcohol and making threats of assault on the live stream.”

The court heard in January, an abusive Facebook post against Miss McKissack was uploaded to the site by Britt.

Britt said: “Ha ha Tina says she’s pregnant but she’s a lesbian with her bird, she will get her wain took off her when she has her son.”

Miss McKissock was “extremely upset” by the comments and felt Britt had “tried to upset her.”

Miss Donnelly added: “Britt has been warned about her improper use of the Facebook platform , however she hasn’t been taking notice of police warnings.”

Lawyer Martin Hughes, defending, told the court there has been a substantial change in her circumstances since the offence.

Mr Hughes added: “My information is that the complainer gave as good as she got in terms of the exchanges."

The court was told that Britt and McKissack have not been in contact or difficulties with each other since January 2019.