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AS the coronavirus pandemic spreads across Scotland, everyone is being asked to do their bit to help.

When Prime Minister Boris Johnson addressed the country on Monday night, he told people to stay indoors unless absolutely necessary and ordered many businesses to close.

There are exceptions to the new rules and those companies allowed to continue operating must follow safety guidelines.

But the Glasgow Times has been inundated with calls and messages from concerned readers who fear the city’s workers are being put at risk by irresponsible employers.

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Glasgow South MP Stewart McDonald has promised to “name and shame” any company ignoring the advice on essential work.

“I’ve had a worrying amount of communication with constituents whose bosses continue to force them to come to work, and do jobs that should not constitute as ‘key work’.

“Given the change of direction we’ve seen from companies that were called out, like Sports Direct, it’s clear such action can have an impact. And only then can we be confident that businesses are doing their bit to ensure public health is protected to the fullest extent it can be. People’s health always comes before profit.”

We put the concerns of staff and the public to businesses who continued to operate after the Prime Minister’s announcement.

1. McVities

FACTORY workers at McVities in Tollcross are worried their health is being put at risk, it has been claimed.

One source said staff on production lines are standing less than two metres away from each other.

“Employees are concerned over social distancing within the workplace,” he said. “Shop floor workers feel like their health and well-being and their family’s well-being is being put at risk.

“Glasgow has the most cases in Scotland, employees feel the company should take the right action and close during the outbreak.”

The factory’s owners Pladis say “unprecedented precautions” are being taken and all government guidance is followed.

“Those who are working in food manufacturing and distribution are rightly recognised by the government as key workers,” a spokeswoman said, adding the company was working with the government to supply more than 1.3 million packets of biscuits to the country’s most vulnerable.

“This is only possible thanks to the exceptional commitment and dedication of our colleagues,” she said.

2. Enterprise Rent-A-Car

A RENTAL car company is being urged to close as “terrified” staff continue to deliver vehicles.

One staff member at Enterprise Rent-A-Car’s Glasgow branch, who asked not to be named, said staff and customers were unsafe.

But the company says health and well-being is its “top priority” and the vehicle rental sector is exempt from closure during the outbreak.

The staff members said employees had to deliver and clean cars but had no hand sanitiser or wipes. They said up to five people can be in a car at one time.

“Staff are terrified to become ill as they are not paid sick pay and will end up on statutory sick pay.”

Enterprise Holdings, the parent company, said instructions to staff on interaction with customers, social distancing and hygiene had been stepped up in line with advice.

A spokesman said stocks of disinfectants and anti-bacterial items were being replenished as required and some services have been suspended.

Any staff that self-isolate are receiving full pay for two weeks, they added. “Enterprise is a key partner to emergency and front-line services.”

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3. Teleperformance UK

CALL centre staff are being “threatened with disciplinary action” for raising health and safety concerns, an MP has said.

Teleperformance UK, which currently handles calls for Clydesdale and Yorkshire Bank, has been accused of putting lives at risk.

Stewart McDonald MP tweeted: “We’re being told of staff threatened with disciplinary action for raising health and safety concerns and employees hugging and taking breaks in groups. This is putting lives at risk.”

He added there had been reports of workers being encouraged to car share.

One worker told the Glasgow Times that while bank staff get sick pay and can work from home, the employees at Teleperformance UK have to work from offices and only get statutory sick pay.

They described the offices as a “Petri dish” with around 200 employees working close together. “The call centres are still open with people sitting on top of each other,” they added.

Teleperformance UK was approached for comment but did not respond.

4. Neilson’s Joinery Superstore

NEILSON’S Joinery Superstore, at Balmore Industrial Estate, closed its doors to the public on Wednesday, March 25, two days after the government announcement.

A member of the public had claimed that the company were still trading and customers not taking into account the two-metre spacing restrictions.

Chris Neilson confirmed: “Neilson’s store is closed, our staff went home at the end of the day on Wednesday, March 25.”

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5. The Waverley Bakery

THE Waverley Bakery, Drumhead Lane, Cambuslang, has denied claims that staff are being forced to work during a lockdown.

A member of staff informed the Glasgow Times that the company was following government guidelines and employees were now working from home.

A division of Lees Foods, the Waverley Bakery provides ice cream cones and wafers to both the retail and food service industries.

6. Lees Factory

LEES Factory in Coatbridge, which is the manufacturer of branded confectionary and meringues, remains open.

A statement from Clive Miquel, chief executive of Lees, stated: “The safety and well-being of our staff continues to be our key priority as the Covid-19 virus situation evolves.

“We plan to continue operating while this is possible, in order to satisfy customer demand, particularly the supermarkets throughout the UK where demand has grown in recent weeks.

“Lees of Scotland has introduced a range of additional measures at our factory in Coatbridge to ensure we meet the safety guidelines advised by the UK and Scottish governments and that social distancing is maintained throughout our operation.”

This article is part of a series READ MORE: NAMED: The Glasgow firms 'forcing' non-essential staff into work​