A GLASGOW ARTIST is raising money for NHS Charities by selling Glasgow-during-lockdown themed prints after being made redundant.

Shona Blair, from Cardonald, worked as an e-commerce executive for a fashion brand before being made redundant at the start of the coronavirus lockdown.

The 27-year-old then started making postcards and prints in her spare time to raise money for NHS charities and Age UK.

Glasgow Times:

Shona told The Glasgow Times: "I had always made illustrations on the side.

"I was made redundant at the start of the crisis. I had worked there for less than six months, on maternity cover.

Glasgow Times:

"I was devastated but I wanted to do something to help. I started using my time at home to make prints, and donate the money from the orders to charities."

Shona's work features prints with surgical masks emblazoned by the iconic 'People Make Glasgow' sign, as well as one for key workers.

Glasgow Times:

She added: "My boyfriend is a porter at the Wishaw General. I wanted to make something for all key workers.

"I feel like if I can survive this, I can survive anything."


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