SHAMEFUL sectarian graffiti has been plastered on the side of a Glasgow building site. 

Pictures have emerged online showing the words "F*** Taigs!" sprayed on the site of a construction site wall in Springburn.

Taig a derogatory term used to describe Catholics.

The shocking graffiti was shared online by group Call It Out, who campaign "against anti-Catholic bigotry in Scotland".

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They said on Twitter: "Same hateful graffiti as before - same wall in Springburn - very recently done!"

They say it was on a building site on Keppochhill Road. 

Nil by Mouth director Dave Scott hit out at the "bile" in the Scottish Sun.

He told the paper: "You have to wonder about the mental state of someone who goes to the effort of scrawling sectarian bile on a wall during lockdown.

"You could measure their IQ on the fingers of one hand. We saw similar attacks in Greenock a few week ago and symbolises just how deep into the barrel these bigots are willing to go."


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