WHAT a tragedy that advice on face masks is only grudgingly changing to a reluctant acceptance of such a common sense measure.

All of the countries that have been successful in controlling this virus require their citizens to wear masks.

The UK tried to cover up their criminal incompetence in not providing masks by telling us they had no value. As the evidence against this position grew they changed to admit it had more to do with making it easier to supply the NHS. Now they tell us masks are only able to prevent the spread of the virus, not save the wearer from it. If this were true the infection of frontline NHS staff would be much higher.

The virus doesn’t know whether it is in a hospital, care home, pub or shop. It happily infects whoever comes within range of a cough or infected surface.

More contempt for the public comes in the message that advocating masks would result in it being impossible to persuade us of the importance of social distancing and hand-washing.

When I see how well the public has responded to lockdown it is obvious that we can understand that hand-washing, social distancing and masks are all important and one cannot replace the others in controlling this virus.

More than 80 years ago the UK could provide the entire population with complex manufactured gas masks. Today the government cannot even provide basic protective equipment to frontline workers – never mind the public.

When this Covid-19 has taken its toll the electorate will compare Scotland’s death toll to similar countries like Denmark, Norway and Eire.

If the SNP Government slavishly follow Westminster in devolved areas then the SNP will suffer the same fate as I am convinced will befall Boris Johnson’s Tory Government.

Bruce Wilkinson


SO sorry for a great loss

(‘A beautiful man’: City pays tribute to founding father of Glasgow’s Asian community after coronavirus battle, Friday).

Too many good people are being taken away... very touched by this. Heart goes out to the family.

May he rest in peace and I’m sure he touched many with his kindness. A good soul.

Donna M

Posted online

I REMEMBER this family growing up from the shop at Queen Margaret Drive and school. A lovely family.

Always got that bit extra in my bonbons and took everybody as they came. Thoughts are with you all at this time.

Skyler Harrison

Posted online

MORE people will die of cancer than Covid-19 –

time for NHS to restore cancer investigations (Dad who snubbed cancer symptoms warns of ‘ticking timebomb’ as checks ignored during virus, Friday).

Alex Watson

Posted online

WELL done Hibs for doing this and turning down a sponsor who would pay for a message on their shirts (Hibs chief Leeann Dempster reveals personal relationship to NHS as Easter Road club launch new kit, Friday).

Graham Smith

Posted online

THIS lockdown really shows how much people can cope without a car.

It’s great to see families out walking and out on their bikes.

Perhaps once the lockdown is eased, people will realise how important exercise is and they will take better care of themselves.

I guarantee pollution levels have plummeted over the past four weeks due to the lack of cars on our roads.

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