THE founder of a lifeline charity for amputees was given a royal surprise as she found herself on a video call with Prince William.

Corinne Hutton has been left gobsmacked after the Duke of Cambridge spoke to her about how Finding Your Feet is supporting people amid the coronavirus lockdown.

The charity faced an uncertain future when its funding took a hit due to the pandemic, but, was recently given a boost with cash from the National Emergencies Trust and Foundation Scotland.

Coronavirus: SWOTY finalist Corinne Hutton offers charity HQ to NHS during outbreak

The Renfrewshire-based charity has now taken most of its services online and is supporting amputees from all across Scotland.

Quadruple amputee Ms Hutton, who is a finalist in the Glasgow Times’ Scotswoman of the Year 2019, said: “The money allowed us to adapt our services for online and over the phone delivery, ensuring that no amputee in Scotland would have to cope alone during this pandemic.

“As if that wasn’t enough, to be told that Prince William would like to speak to us was just breathtaking.

“The fact that he has recognised and acknowledged the work we are doing and why it’s important is such incredible motivation.

“He listened carefully and had a genuine interest in what we do to help the amputee community.

“We also had a bit of a laugh and a good chat. It’s been the highlight of a tough year and I cannot thank all involved enough.”

Prince William, known as Earl of Strathearn in Scotland, also spoke to workers at the PEEK Project (Possibilities for Each and Every Kid) which has been making around 300 meals a day for children with a special food truck in Glasgow’s East End. 

He spoke to the charity’s chief executive Michaela Collins and community chef Charlie Farrally about the work they have been doing to deliver healthy food to families during the lockdown - 90 per cent of whom qualify for free school meals.

Ms Collins said: “It was a bit of a funny experience but you know he was really nice, he was really genuine.

“We were on the call for a good half hour just speaking about PEEK and what we do in a normal basis pre-Covid crisis as well as the response and the plans for the future.”

She added: “He got the chance to have a wee sneak peek into what we’re currently doing in terms of cooking healthy meals and our well-being packs and arts and crafts for families and children across Glasgow.

Glasgow Times:

“We were chatting about that importance of healthy cooked meals as well - with the schools closed it’s a really difficult time for our families as well.

“Him coming from a parents’ point of view, he sees the importance of kids getting good nutrition for their health and well-being.”

Prince William’s calls came in the week he was due to be fulfilling his role as The Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland.