APPLICATIONS are now open for Renfrewshire businesses to access support in tackling the immediate impact of Coronavirus.

The £1.3million Renfrewshire Coronavirus Business Support Fund will offer local businesses, including people who are self-employed, the opportunity to apply for various financial assistance.

Businesses can apply for an interest free Business Restart Loan between £1,000-£5,000 repayable up to three years to assist with short-term cashflow. A 50 per cent match-funded Business Resilience Grant ranging from £1,000-£10,000 is also available.

For businesses who are having to adapt their premises to meet physical distancing requirements, there is also a Business Adaption Grant providing match-funding from £1,000-£2,500.

This fund has been created following detailed discussion with 500 local companies to determine what they feel can make the biggest difference in the short-term.

Iain Nicolson, Renfrewshire Council leader, said: “I am acutely aware from regular dialogue with our business community throughout the pandemic of the economic harm Coronavirus is causing in Renfrewshire and we know we must be ready to help tackle this now, and in the months ahead.

“We have awarded more than 2,600 government grants totalling £27.5million to help local businesses address the immediate impact and have now established this fund, listening to what businesses tell us will help them most.

“I recognise we are on a long and difficult journey, but we have a strong local economy and a business community that supports one another.”

Any businesses interested can visit for more information.