THE Scottish Prison Service’s bid to build a new jail to replace Barlinnie is set to be approved by Glasgow City Council.

Planning officers have recommended HMP Glasgow can go-ahead on land to the south of Royston Road near to the Provan Gas Works.

Barlinnie has been criticised by Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Prisons for Scotland due to overcrowding.

The Scottish Prison Service (SPS) will initially receive planning permission in principle, with more details requiring approval at a later date.

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A statement submitted to the council on behalf of the SPS said a “new fit-for-purpose prison” would be developed.

“The characteristics of the existing Barlinnie prison site do not support redevelopment alongside normal prison operations, therefore a new site is required for the planned development of HMP Glasgow.”

The statement added SPS aims to “deliver secure custody, safe and ordered prisons, decent standards of care and opportunities for prisoners to develop in a way that helps them reintegrate into the community on release”.

“A modern facility will have more in common with a school or college than with a traditional Victorian prison.”

Glasgow Times:

Barlinnie currently houses 1500 people but has a design capacity closer to 1000.

The new prison will be designed to accommodate 1200 adult male offenders, with “a flex to manage current population levels and fluctuations in sentencing”.

A final decision has not been published on the council’s planning portal but a report on the application reveals it is considered “acceptable” and can be granted subject to conditions.

“The proposal has the potential to act as a significant catalyst for change within the local area,” the report adds.

“There is commitment to integrate into the local community and provide facilities for community use.

“The level of staff and visitors using the facility has significant potential to influence improved public transport provision which will be of further benefit to the existing Germiston community.”

Glasgow Times:

There will be “further opportunity for scrutiny of the proposals at the detailed application stage”, the report adds.

The 54-acre site, which has been derelict for decades, is “well positioned to provide a transportation hub for all movements in, around and through Glasgow,” the SPS believes.

It is currently only suitable for industrial use and will require further remediation work due to “historic contamination”.

Anne McLaughlin MP and Bob Doris MSP submitted representations to the council.

They said current public transport in the area was “very poor” and asked for more information on traffic concerns, including increased capacity at rush hours.

Ms McLaughlin said she has “little confidence in the willingness of commercial bus providers to fulfil the inevitable demand” and called on the SPS to lead on plans for “properly planned and funded” bus services.

Glasgow Times:

The council report stated the development would bring large numbers of workers and visitors and may “stimulate the demand” and “provide incentive” for commercial providers.

Mr Doris welcomed the intention to have prisoners access the site from Blochairn Road and not Royston Road.

But he said: “I would be concerned that SPS may consider that amenities within HMP Glasgow are a substitute to community-based amenities within Germiston or Royston. They are not.”

He asked for talks with the local community to begin if planning permission was approved.

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Both elected representatives asked for their constituents to be reassured that contamination can be dealt with safely.

A family centre, for providing support and information to relatives of prisoners, is planned, and would include spaces such as a café and meeting rooms.

“It is SPS’s intention to develop a model that also allows these facilities to be available for community use.”

There will be visitor and staff parking on the site and a bus stop within the visitor car park.

A “green corridor”, with pockets of planting, an avenue of trees, seated areas and paths, will “act as a buffer” between new and old buildings on Royston Road.

The SPS intends to close Barlinnie and dispose of the site.