GARNETHILL Neighbourhood Watch has been “inundated” with complaints from residents concerned about groups of students allegedly gathering outside a city centre accommodation.

Residents have complained about “screaming and shouting” in Buccleuch Street past midnight.

But Glasgow School of Art has claimed their students have been respectful of coronavirus guidance which restrict social gatherings.

Students staying at the Margaret Macdonald House are counted as a single household, with flats having up to eight students.

The social bubbles are allowed to gather indoors and outdoors without social distancing.

Chairman of Garnethill Neighbourhood Watch, William Beckett, claims students have been “going out in large groups” which has been upsetting residents.

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He claimed residents reported groups of more than 15.

“Last weekend it was like a riot," he said.

“We have been inundated with messages from residents saying that they were coming out after midnight on Sunday night.”

Mr Beckett has brought up the issue with a resident advisor at the student accommodation over the weekend.

While he believes the staff are doing their best, residents have been left fuming due to the alleged noise with one person not getting a wink of sleep.

“He is a key worker at a care home and he was saying he has not been getting any sleep," Mr Beckett said.

"He is up early in the morning and he is actually fuming at the noise level by the students. He lives right opposite the housing. Because it is a tunnelled area, the noise echoes. "

And the neighbourhood watch has raised the issue with their local councillors with hope additional officers can patrol the area.

A spokeswoman for Glasgow School of Art emphasised they regularly communicated with students about following government guidance on coronavirus restrictions and that their students were socialising safely.

The Glasgow Times has contacted Police Scotland for comment.