BORIS JOHNSON has launched a scathing attack on the SNP claiming they have an abysmal record and devolution has thus far been a disaster.

Well, Boris the Tory party’s record thus far is not exactly a shining example of 

And I dread to think how bad Scotland would be without devolution especially after 12 years of Tory rule with each PM being worse than the last.

Boris being the most absent of all, he says this is no time for division yet he is just about to divide the UK from the EU market which will no doubt be a disaster.

And Scotland is always last on the Tories agenda with anything so maybe we are better away from Downing Street.

The sooner the better in my view.

Richard Low

THE story regarding the band of thieves robbing from care homes across Scotland is truly horrifying. 

What kind of scum would stoop as low as this, especially given the fact that staff and patients are under enough pressure during this pandemic.

I hope they are rounded up soon and taken off our streets. 

Let’s hope they get what they deserve and not some pitiful sentence linked to community service.


I DON’T like the idea of schools closing but there are more than just teachers and pupils in schools. 

It feels like office, kitchen and cleaning staff don’t matter.

Angela Greig Congalton 
Via Facebook

SCHOOLS should be shut. 

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon can’t blame hospitality now. 

Glasgow Times: First Minister Nicola Sturgeon addresses MSP

It’s been closed too long and because of that people will be socialising in houses.

Helen McMullan
Via Facebook

I’M gutted to see youngsters in Bishopbriggs are ignoring lockdown rules.

Police had to chase around 30 of them from the pitch at Bishopbriggs Academy on Saturday afternoon.

They actually don’t give a damn about passing on the virus.

Forget the rules, as long as they can all gather for a game of football in the pouring rain.

Well done to the police for keeping on top of this.

Clara Wright
Via email