IN these days of great uncertainty, it is great to see ordinary folk pulling together to help others in their communities.

The initiative in Castlemilk (Glasgow Times, Monday) and other examples show that despite the huge problems we face there are still fantastic, unselfish people out there willing to help the less fortunate.



AS the UK and EU struggle on to try and achieve a deal, one should remember that it was not long ago that Boris Johnson told us: “That oven-ready deal I talked about so much during the election campaign has already had its plastic covering pierced and been placed in the microwave.”

Despite these assurances, this has proven yet again to be another untruth in Mr Johnson’s ever-growing back catalogue.

A No-Deal, which remains a strong option, will mean deeper economic pain and disruption, and will, at least according to the EU’s calculation, simply put off a scenario where he will have to sign up to an even worse deal.

Despite such a fragile situation, the UK Government is this week intent on fanning the flames and pushing ahead with the Internal Market Bill, which breaks international law and seeks to allow ministers to override the Withdrawal Agreement signed with the EU.

Mr Johnson may have claimed to have an “oven-ready” deal, but he clearly forgot to switch the oven on.

Alex Orr

Via email

Our article on city nurse Issy Jackson retiring after almost 60 years sparked many kind messages. Here’s a selection of them...

Glasgow Times:

ABSOLUTELY amazing. Hope you have a long and happy retirement.

Stacey Kerr

THANK you for your service, you truly are an Angel.

God bless and enjoy

your retirement you so deserve it.

Bel Lodwick

THANK you for your service.

Wow, you deserve a rest.

Linda McFadden

BEST wishes, enjoy your retirement and thank you for your long service. God bless you.

Linda Cameron

ENJOY your retirement you so deserve it.

Sadie McGrory

THANK you for your care.

Enjoy and put your feet up.

Linda Dockrell Gibson