SHOPS are to open early on Friday as the city comes out of lockdown.

Nicola Sturgeon confirmed that Glasgow would come out of the strictest lockdown restrictions at the end of the week and go into level three regulations. 

Shops will be allowed to open from 6am on Friday, with the rest of the stringent restrictions lifted from 6pm. 

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This will mean that bars, restaurants and cafes - all required to close at 6pm - will be allowed to open from Saturday morning. 

Socialising with friends and family within one another's homes will still not be allowed, but up too six people from two different households will be allowed to meet outdoors and in hospitality settings. 

Pubs and restaurants will not be allowed to serve alcohol. 

Ms Sturgeon said: “All 11 local authorities will move out of level four into level three on Friday."

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The latest statistics showed there had been 692 new cases of coronavirus.

There were people 983 in hospital, an increase of 9 and there were 57 people in intensive care a decrease of 2.

Ms Sturgeon also said there had been 33 deaths registered of a person who had tested positive for coronavirus in the last 28 days.