HE may be better known as Ian in Two Doors Down, but actor Jamie Quinn is taking another new creative path.

The 31-year-old, who has been a recognisable face on Scottish TV screens since starring as Fergie in Still Game, has released a new song with his indie-alternative outfit Penny Mob.

‘Revolution’, an upbeat, rousing anthem for fans of music with a message, is the band’s first single, with Jamie saying that the musical foray is something which has been brewing for a while.

He said: “As a teenager I was always in a band, and I was writing songs from the age of 13, so I’ve always been a songwriter.

“I was a big Oasis fan and you know how everybody wanted to be Liam? I wanted to be Noel. I remember seeing his name on all the songwriting credits and I knew I wanted to do that.”

Glasgow Times:

Penny Mob came together in 2016 after Jamie collaborated with Andrew Mullen, a friend from drama school, before being joined by bassist Jay Luther.

Jamie said: “Me and Andrew were the only working class kids in our drama school class and it felt right to be writing songs about our experiences. Our music is very much inspired by our upbringing and also by what is going on in the world today.

“You look around at the world and we write about that – it is political and has a punk rock feel but it’s just us being honest about what we see and we want to inspire other working class people to do the same.”

Penny Mob have also already made an impact on the industry, making appearances at festivals such as Isle of Wight.

He said: “We love playing live, and we been able to get some really great gigs so far.

“With gigs off at the moment, we have really missed that and in places like Glasgow there is no better feeling than getting that buzz off of a crowd that is completely with you.

“Glaswegians are the best crowds in the world.”

However, while Jamie is enjoying his musical adventure, he is still very much focused on acting, which can be seen in two weeks time in the Two Doors Down Christmas special.

Glasgow Times: Jamie as Ian Baird, alongside Arabella Weir and Alex Norton as parents Beth and Eric in this year's Two Doors Down Christmas special. Pic: Alan PeeblesJamie as Ian Baird, alongside Arabella Weir and Alex Norton as parents Beth and Eric in this year's Two Doors Down Christmas special. Pic: Alan Peebles

Jamie said: “We filmed the special in lockdown and it was really different to how we normally work.

“The BBC were great and everything felt really safe but it was weird seeing everyone in masks, it was like being in a movie!

“You look over and you think ‘Who’s that?’ and its the director looking like Darth Vader with this mask on.”

And for Jamie and the cast, the importance of Two Doors Down and a bit of comic relief in a year like 2020 doesn’t go unnoticed.

He said: “It has been a horrible year for so many people and this couldn’t have come at a better time.

“I can’t give too much away but it’s definitely the comic relief that people need at the moment, especially since so many people will be stuck in the house looking for things to watch this new year.”

“I’m so lucky to have been in shows like Two Doors Down and Still Game because they are so close to people’s hearts and have this kind of cultural love but also personal love.”

Revolution by Penny Mob is available to stream and buy now, and the Two Doors Down Christmas special will air on Monday, December 28 at 9pm on BBC Two.