Boris Johnson's plane has touched down in Glasgow as he starts his trip to Scotland commences today.

The Prime Minister is also expected to visit Edinburgh to see how the vaccination roll-out in operation and to thank frontline and key workers. 

He is to make a stance that the union has been integral in administrating the coronvairus vaccine, providing Covid testing and giving economic support north of the Border during the pandemic.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has scruitised the Prime Minister's trip, deeming it as "non-essential".

READ MORE: Glasgow reacts to Boris Johnson's planned visit to Scotland to 'save the Union'

She said: "I would say me travelling from Edinburgh to Aberdeen to visit a vaccination centre right now is not essential, and Boris Johnson travelling from London to wherever he is in Scotland to do the same is not essential.

“If we’re asking other people to abide by that, then I’m sorry but it’s probably incumbent on us to do likewise.

“We have a duty to lead by example and if we are going to suggest that we don’t take these rules as seriously as we should, it gets harder to convince other people. That’s why I’m perhaps not ecstatic about the thought of the Prime Minister visiting, it’s not because he’s not welcome.”

A spokeswoman for the Prime Minister said: “It remains the fact that it is a fundamental role of the Prime Minister to be the physical representative of the UK Government, and it’s right he’s visible and accessible to businesses and communities across all parts of the UK - especially during the pandemic.”

A briefing will be held with the Prime Minister today at 3pm.