MERCHANT City's pizza vending machine has been at the centre of international attention recently thanks to a video made by a Glasgow student. 

Millions of people have now watched a video created by 20-year-old Honey Keenan. 

“I think the thing that shocked me the most was seeing that my video had an effect,” the Glasgow woman said.

People flocked to the machine at the junction of Blackfriars Street and High Street after Honey posted a video about it on her TikTok last week where it has gotten more than 1.5 million views.

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She added: “It just went massive. Last night it got posted on an Instagram account where it has now got 5.5 million views."

“Basically when I posted it I was expecting it to do well, but by well, I thought it would get around 20,000 views, just because I thought it was a unique concept.”


This was so fun to do! 🤪🍕 #pizzavendingmachine #glasgow #scottishtiktok #scottish @carcap97

♬ She Share Story (for Vlog) - 山口夕依

The video had such a large impact that the team behind the vending machine in Glasgow reached out to her to thank her. 

Honey added: “They saw the video and messaged me. 

“I wasn't surprised they said thank you, I was more surprised they offered me a year's supply of free pizza. I cannot actually comprehend that. I think it is amazing they did that.”

The interest created by the TikTok saw the demand spike for the pizza’s last weekend. 

“They basically told me that they couldn’t have prepared themselves for the demand.

“I think before they were only getting a few people each night and then there were queues of 20 plus people at the machine.”

Honey herself decided to visit the Merchant City business after spotting it on her social media.

“It is really fun and also a safe thing to do. It is something different right now,” she added. 

"A lot of people were also saying this is going to be amazing when clubs open back up again because it is open 24/7 so if you are coming home from a night out it will be great."

Many people also thought pizza’s were frozen, but they are freshly made by a chef and the machine is stocked each day. 

It can store 96 pizzas at a time in a chiller.

Following the demand last weekend, their chef even had to come in at 2am, the student added.

The machine opened in November of last year. 

Have you tried it?