NEIGHBOURS held a protest against a South Side social landlord threatening to force a family from their home.

Govanhill Housing Association has gone to court to secure an eviction order against tenant Steven Murphy after he fell into rent arrears.

Housing bosses claim they have taken every step to contact Steven and resolve the situation.

But Steven and his supporters from Living Rent Govanhill claim they have been stonewalled by the organisation.

Glasgow Times:

Meanwhile, more than 250 neighbours have signed a petition opposing the eviction and yesterday they turned out in their dozens for a protested at the housing association's offices on Coplaw Street.

Steven said: "We’ve been waiting for the hammer to fall every day since the eviction order was granted.

"It has been torture for our family not knowing when sheriff officers will be at the door.

"We’re in a much better position now to repay what we owe but Govanhill Housing Association doesn’t want to hear it.

"They have refused to even meet with us."

Rent arrears built up due to a shortfall between the benefits Steven receives and the cost of his rent.

Glasgow Times:

Govanhill Housing Association obtained an eviction order at Glasgow Sheriff Court on May 17 in the absence of the tenant or any representative to speak for him.

Steven has since been granted discretionary housing payment, which will cover a significant amount of the rent arrears owed.

Living Rent organisers claim Govanhill Housing Association has refused to meet him to discuss a repayment plan.

But Annie Macfarlane, Govanhill Housing Association chairwoman and local resident, said: "If someone does not engage with us and all attempts at contact fail, we have no alternative but to begin proceedings against them as it is unfair on all our other tenants when we lose rental income as a result.

Glasgow Times:

"Unfortunately confidentiality prevents us from discussing the particular circumstances of this case, however we can confirm that we have taken every step to support this tenant, including asking Govan Law Centre to make proactive contact to ensure they are getting independent legal advice."

Tenants across Scotland are facing evictions for arrears accrued during Covid, despite the Scottish Government promise that no one should be evicted due to hardships incurred in the pandemic.

Living Rent claims that when a union delegation visited the landlord’s offices to request a meeting, Govanhill Housing Association responded it “did not believe a meeting to discuss Mr Murphy’s rent arrears will be productive”.

Glasgow Times:

Since the eviction order was decreed, Steven’s application for discretionary housing payment has been accepted.

These payments over the course of the next nine months will pay off more than half of the rent arrears owed, the union claims.

It says more than 50 local residents have volunteered to resist the eviction, with a “phone tree” established in order to respond quickly to any attempt to force Steven’s family from their home.

Local resident Maggie said: "Govanhill Housing Association cannot claim to be evicting their tenant as a 'last resort' when they have refused to even meet with them.

"The Govanhill community stands against this eviction and is prepared to resist it.

"On Kenmure Street we saw the power a community can have when it makes up its mind.

"Whether it’s the Home Office, rogue landlords or supposedly ‘social’ landlords, Glasgow’s communities will always defend their own."

Annie added: "We understand the complex set of pressures on the lives of our tenants and only commence recovery action as a last resort when all other options have been exhausted.

"We try to assist those in difficulty in a variety of ways including offering them assistance from our welfare benefits team.

"We also encourage those facing difficulties to make contact with us and where tenants do not engage with us immediately we make various attempts to contact and advise.

"We can confirm that as the tenant was present at our office earlier, we took that opportunity to engage with him and will be meeting with him next week."