A LOUT attacked a bouncer after being kicked out of a 21st birthday party.

Callum MacDonald punched Alan Mitchell, 29, on the head in Glasgow city centre on March 1, 2020.

The 26-year-old was escorted out of the Savoy nightclub after arguing with bar staff.

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MacDonald pleaded guilty at Glasgow Sheriff Court to assaulting Mr Mitchell.

He also admitted behaving in a threatening or abusive manner.

The court heard MacDonald erupted after a minor disagreement in the bar area.

MacDonald shouted, swore and refused to leave.

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He was restrained by Mr Mitchell and colleague Michael O’Connor before being escorted out to Sauchiehall Street.

Prosecutor Kavin Ryan-Hume said: “He was informed he was ejected from the promises and would not be allowed entry again.

“He remained at the barrier, continuing to shout and swear before kicking it.

“Mr Mitchell moved in between the barrier and MacDonald and he punched the door steward once with his right hand to his head.”

MacDonald was taken to the ground and restrained until police arrived.

Gemma Elder, defending, told the court MacDonald was unable to find work in the hospitality sector after getting bail.

The lawyer added that he is now working in shoe design.

It was also revealed this was MacDonald’s third conviction for behaving in a threatening or abusive manner.

Sentence was deferred until next month for background reports by Sheriff Martin Jones QC.

MacDonald, of the city’s Partick, was bailed meantime.