POLITICIANS across the spectrum have condemned moves to close the Tollcross McVitie's factory.

SNP, Labour and Conservative representatives have united to slam the company as they announced they would be going ahead with closure plans.

Local MP for Glasgow East, David Linden has called the decision "bitterly disappointing." He said: "The news that Pladis has outrightly rejected the substantial and comprehensive counter-proposal put forward by the Action Group, which was formed by the Scottish Government and Glasgow City Council, is bitterly disappointing and a hammer blow for the East end.

Glasgow Times: David Linden MPDavid Linden MP

"I gave the company the benefit of the doubt when it said it would engage meaningfully with the process however its actions over the past few months have shown that it had little intention of acting in good faith.

READ MORE: pladis press ahead with Glasgow McVitie's factory closure

"The swift dismissal of this counter-proposal and the lack of engagement with the Action Group tells its own story about Pladis' intentions as it relentlessly presses ahead with its abandonment of Scotland, despite almost two centuries of shared history.

"No stone has been left unturned as we've all fought to save almost 500 local jobs and we will continue to do all we can to secure a future for the site."

Labour's Shadow Minister for Employment and Public Finance, Paul Sweeney said he "couldn't be more disappointed." The Glasgow MSP added: "This news will come as a body blow for the workforce at McVities. Despite a workable counterproposal being submitted, Pladis have failed to engage constructively and in good faith rejecting it out of hand and confirming their intention to continue with the closure.

Glasgow Times:

“The proposal would have seen manufacturing continue in the East End, ensuring continued employment in a community that has borne the brunt of austerity. Pladis stated that they wanted to make efficiency savings, which is exactly what this proposal delivered, yet the company still see fit to simply dismiss it.

“I couldn’t be more disappointed - there are nearly 500 jobs at stake here in a community that simply cannot afford to lose them. While I appreciate that the First Minister has personally intervened, the Scottish Government must now step up and use every power at its disposal to save these jobs. If that means introducing a comprehensive state aid package then that’s exactly what needs to happen.

“We are at a crisis point in Scottish manufacturing. A proactive approach must now take priority – simply firefighting a constant barrage of redundancy notices from multinational companies is evidently an ineffective strategy and one that has been allowed to continue for far too long.”

Tory councillor, Thomas Kerr is "gutted" that the plant is set to close. He tweeted: "So gutted for the workforce and angry at Pladis who never seemed interested in finding a solution to save this factory.

Glasgow Times:

This closure will have a devastating impact on the East End of Glasgow.

Huge thanks to Save Our Jobs McVities Tollcross who were organised and fought hard."

Glasgow Labour MSP and social justice shadow minister, Pam Duncan - Glancy has offered her assistance to any workers who may need it. In a tweet she said: "Absolutely gutted.

Glasgow Times:

"Pladis have behaved appallingly. They’ve thrown families & generations of hard workers under a bus at a time when they needed their jobs the most. I’ll be doing all I can to save them.