A BUSINESSMAN who lost his "phenomenal" mum to cancer just two months after the birth of his daughter is to take on a new challenge in her memory.

Alan Anderson and his mum Ann were extremely close, speaking five times a day on the phone and sharing everything.

Ann had survived ovarian cancer when Alan was a teenager but she was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer in 2012 and died less than a year later.

Now, to support vital research, Alan will see how many times in one weekend during daylight hours he can climb to the summit of 361m Conic Hill.

Alan said: “I know Mum would be proud of everything we are doing to give other families more time with the people they love.

“Mum and I were incredibly close.

"She always believed in me and encouraged me to be the very best that I could be when I was growing up.

"I had just started secondary school when mum was first diagnosed with cancer.

"Looking back, it was a difficult time. She was a single parent and faced everything life threw at her with courage.

"I did all I could to look after her but her focus was on making sure I was okay.

"Even when I was an adult, we’d speak about five times a day.

"She is a big absence in our lives.”

Glasgow Times: Alan McKee Alan Anderson and Claire Darroch

The annual Business Beats Cancer fundraising dinner in Glasgow for Cancer Research UK marked its fifth anniversary in February 2020 with more than £350,000 raised so far.

The pandemic meant it was not possible for a Business Beats Cancer dinner to run this year.

But instead, Alan, who is vice chairman of the Business Beats Cancer Board, is organising the alternative outdoor challenge of scaling Conic Hill this September.

He will be joined by Claire Darroch and Alan McKee who are also members of the Business Beats Cancer Board.

And they’re appealing for others to take part in the short but steep climb at the famous beauty spot at Balmaha on September 4 and September 5 to raise funds for Cancer Research UK.

And Alan, founder of TSF Finance, knows his mum will never be far from his mind during the challenge.

When Alan was a teenager, it was a relief when his mum made a good recovery from ovarian cancer.

But in November 2012, Alan’s joy at discovering he was going to become a dad for the second time was closely followed by the news that his mum had stage four lung cancer.

She started chemotherapy sessions at the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre in Glasgow which Alan took her to.

Alan said: “This time it was lung cancer and I knew from the start that tough, emotional times lay ahead.

“I was determined to be there for mum. When the doctors came to talk to her about her treatment I was always with her.

"I think mum may have known how unwell she really was but she didn’t talk much about it. She was always incredibly positive.

"I remember then how excited she was about the new baby coming along.

"She was a phenomenal mum and a phenomenal gran.”

Alan’s second daughter, Isla, was born on July 11, 2013 and Alan treasures the memories he has of his mum holding the baby in her arms for the first time.

But later that summer, Ann’s health deteriorated.

She died in hospital on September 16 with Alan by her side.

Alan said: “I couldn’t quite believe mum was gone.

“Mum meant everything to me and it’s still a struggle to think back to that day we lost her.

"I’ll take this Conic Hill challenge on for mum but also for future generations as I know research can save lives.”

Glasgow Times: Alan McKee Claire Darroch and Alan Anderson

Cancer Research UK’s work into the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer has been at the heart of the progress that has seen survival in the UK double in the last 40 years.

The charity was able to spend over £42 million in Scotland last year on some of the UK’s leading scientific and clinical research.

The Business Beats Cancer Board started in 2016 and has proven so successful that it has now inspired similar Business Beats Cancer events across the UK in cities including Edinburgh, Belfast and Birmingham.

More volunteers are needed to join the board.

For more details on how to take part in the Business Beats Cancer Board’s September 4 and 5 hill walking challenge at Conic Hill email Amanda.Harris@cancer.org.uk

and see https://fundraise.cancerresearchuk.org/page/56k-challenge-48hr-conic-hill-climb