A MAN avoided jail after being caught with child porn on two mobile phones.

Joshua Tutty was caught on July 2 last year after cops raided his Kirkintilloch home with a search warrant.

Glasgow Sheriff Court heard Tutty was found in the bedroom of the property and a search uncovered a Samsung and LG phone.

Depute fiscal Lauren Ram Sangray told the court the devices were examined at the Police Scotland cyber crime unit.

On searching them they found category A, B and C moving and still images were on the devices.

One featured a small child between the age of five and seven, the court was told.

There four Category A images, including two videos; four Category B, including two videos; and eight Category C, including two videos.

Tutty's defence brief said it was "amazing" that he had found himself in court.

The solicitor said: “This is a wholly positive [criminal justice social work] report.

“With his background, both education and familial, the fact he is in the sheriff court itself is astonishing and amazing.

“A man of his age and education should have known better.

“We are dealing today with a single isolated incident.

"He has been of previously good character and he is not without insight into the impact on those appearing in the footage and that he plays a part in that.

"He is not blind.

"He is an educated and intelligent man and he is not blind to the fact the court must express its disapproval."

Tutty will now be on the sex offenders register for two years.

Sheriff Allan McKay said: "This is an abhorrent offence, absolutely disgraceful.

"My sentencing powers are restricted and that is why I am about to make you the offer I'm about to make you.

"If you fail on this order matters will come back to me and I will use the full extent of my custodial sentencing powers."

He was placed on a community payback order with two years' supervision and a conduct requirement to attend the Moving Forward, Making Changes programme.

He was also put on a tag that will keep him at home between the hours of 8pm and 5am for two months.

Tutty must also tell his supervising officer about any devices he owns that can access the internet.