POLLOKSHIELDS residents have continued to be terrorised with fireworks – despite an ongoing police operation in the area.

Inconsiderate louts have been setting off the explosive devices at all hours at night and into the early hours of the morning recently.

Locals have had sleep disrupted and are “alarmed, upset and afraid”.

Jon Molyneux, Scottish Green councillor, has had “dozens” of complaints from constituents.

He said: “It’s going on to all hours, fireworks being aimed at people, the issue a couple of weeks ago with the mother and the pram in Shawlands. The stories are shocking.

READ MORE: Pollokshields residents woken up last four nights as ADULTS set off fireworks

“It’s completely understandable why people feel such fear and alarm. Something has to be done.

“There is a police presence, and the police are being active. I’ve had assurances that there will be a similar presence there has been in previous years, particularly tonight on Bonfire Night.

“There’s been a lot of prevention activity in the build-up to tonight, so the police have been active on this.

“That police presence is helpful, but it’s not the answer. The solution here is restricting the sale of fireworks. That’s what people have been campaigning for and that’s what people in the community really want.”

Glasgow Times:

Police Scotland put out two appeals for witnesses and information following fireworks misuse last month.

Officers were made aware of incidents from October 11 at 11.40pm, October 12 at around 3am, October 13 at about 1.20am and October 14 at around 12.35am.

During these times, it was believed to be adults lighting the fireworks as vehicles were being used.

The following week, police appealed to members of the public again following incidents in the early hours of October 22 and 23. Enquiries are ongoing.

READ MORE: Reports of fireworks being let off in early hours sees cops step up patrols in Southside

On the first day of this month, police received reports of the explosives being set off on Albert Drive at 2.40am.

And reports on social media suggested fireworks being thrown at people in Forth Street.

Councillor Molyneux added: “I understand that the majority of people agree that fireworks should be banned from public sale but for whatever reason, the UK Government, which has the power to legislate to do that, to actually restrict the sale, has kept on ignoring people’s pleas.

“I would like to call on UK Government ministers, who are here in Glasgow right now for COP26, to come to Pollokshields to see first-hand the impact that fireworks misuse has on that community.

Glasgow Times:

“We can throw resources at it, we can throw the police at it, that is helpful, but it’s a plaster, it’s not a solution. The solution has to be in terms of restricting the sale and only the UK Government can do that.

“I will meet with ministers, and I’m sure other elected members will meet with them, to actually see what the issues are first-hand and hopefully they will listen and act. I hope that finally they could be persuaded that this is something that should be legislated on.”

We previously reported at the start of October, that Police Scotland, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS), Crimestoppers and Glasgow City Council have united in an operation to safeguard communities in relation to fireworks misuse.

READ MORE: Firework chaos and violence in Glasgow to be curbed in Bonfire Night crackdown

Pollokshields is one of the three areas being focused on, as well as North Glasgow and the Gorbals.

The “hotspot” areas have previous links to disorder.