A GOOD Samaritan bravely stood up to a thug who demanded his necklace while clutching a knife as long as his arm.

Issam Ouerghi, 47, challenged Thomas McNaught, 34, after being confronted in Glasgow's Shawlands on June 30, 2020.

Mr Ouerghi was initially ordered to mind his own business by McNaught when he went to help a man.

McNaught then saw opportunity to take the victim's necklace but was told to "come and take it."

McNaught pleaded guilty on Monday at Glasgow Sheriff Court to assaulting Mr Ouerghi and attempting to rob him.

He also admitted behaving in a threatening or abusive manner in Glasgow city centre earlier that day.

The court heard Mr Ouerghi left his vehicle on Kilmarnock Road to assist an unknown member of the public at 7.15pm.

Prosecutor Lauren Donnelly said: "As he was doing so, McNaught approached him and told him to mind his own business.

"It was noted that McNaught was in possession of a large knife the size of his arm and a scar on his face.

"McNaught threatened him to give him the necklace and threatened to stab him while holding the knife.

"Mr Ouerghi told McNaught to come and take it from him if he was game enough."

McNaught continued to threaten Mr Ouerghi before making off in a blue Volkswagen Polo car.

Mr Ouerghi contacted police who were able to trace the car to McNaught's brother's address, but he was initially unable to be found.

The court was earlier told McNaught had approached Ziad Baha Iddin in the city centre's Saltmarket while keeping the same blade hidden up his arm.

Mr Iddin ran into a nearby restaurant but was later joined by McNaught who shouted across to a window of one of the flats on the street.

McNaught then got into the blue Polo car and drove off.

Garvey McArdle, defending, told the court McNaught had been taking drugs following the end of his relationship.

Sheriff Andrew Cubie deferred sentence pending background reports until next month and granted McNaught, now of the city's Mosspark, bail meantime.

The sheriff said: "All options remain open and one concern is that it's been 11 years since your last offence.

"The last two offences were for assault with intent to rob, assault and robbery and possession of a knife. You can see the concerns I have."