A BRAND-NEW digital service is launching which aims to prevent and tackle homelessness in Glasgow.

Street Support Glasgow will feature more than 200 services from 80 organisations and tell users emergency advice and show them where they can access support the support that they need.

The service, developed by Simon Community Scotland (SCS), can be accessed from web browser or smart phone app, and has been welcomed by Glasgow City Council and Police Scotland.

Hugh Hill, Director of Services & Development at SCS, said: “We know first hand from our Glasgow Access Hub how important it is for people experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness to have a one-stop shop to access the information, support and care that they need.

"Over 3000 people accessed our hub from its opening in September 2020 to September 2021.

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Hugh continued: “We are thrilled to bring Street Support to Glasgow as part of our ongoing commitment to digital inclusion and support. Some of the best ideas are simple - there is a lot of support out there and the Street Support Glasgow site and APP brings it all together in one place.” Glasgow Times:

The service can provide meals, drop-in services, food banks and accommodation in Glasgow is, as well as helping with financial issues, health services and training and employment opportunities.

It was developed in collaboration with Street Support Network, whose co-founder Gary Dunstan said: “Street Support Glasgow is a first for the city. There is nothing else like it. And it is needed.

"Glasgow is the local authority with the most households assessed as homeless in Scotland.

"Sadly, there are a lot of people who need to know where, when and how to access support. This resource has helped people in other cities and we hope it can help people in need in Glasgow too."

Gary added: “The increase in energy prices is going to put more people at risk of homelessness. More people are going to need to access support, so the timing of Street Support Glasgow launching is vital.

"People who never thought they might need to access support about benefits advice, food and housing are going to need support. Being homeless isn’t just people sleeping rough on the streets of Glasgow.

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"There are people sofa surfing, in temporary accommodation and many are staying in B&Bs and hostels. Many people are only just getting by.

"We want them to know that there are some amazing organisations across Glasgow who will do their very best to help.” 

It is also hoped that Street Support Glasgow will be used by people in social care and emergency services who can help those in need.

Gary added: “Ultimately, along with Simon Community Scotland and all the partnership organisations on the APP, we are united working towards reducing the number of people experiencing homelessness in Glasgow.”

For more information click HERE