A THUG who struck a man with a sharp wooden stick while he was on the ground has been jailed for 23 months.

Darren McConnel lashed out at the unknown man in Glasgow city centre's Argyle Street on September 18, 2021.

The 36-year-old repeatedly pulled him to the ground by his hood, punched him and hit him on the body with the weapon.

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McConnel stated he acted amid claims he was earlier threatened by the man.

McConnel pleaded guilty yesterday at Glasgow Sheriff Court to assaulting the man.

He also admitted having the wooden stick without a reasonable excuse or lawful authority in a public place.

The court heard witnesses were drawn to the disturbance outside Poundland.

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Prosecutor Lauren Donnelly said: "They observed McConnel pull another man to the ground from behind by his hood.

"As he was lying on the ground, McConnel punched him to the head and chest area.

"He attempted to strike the man with a wooden stick sharpened to a point and made contact with his body."

The man made an attempt to get away but was pulled to the ground again by McConnel.

Members of the public separated the pair who fled the scene in opposite directions.

McConnel was clocked by CCTV putting the stick down a drain while the victim went to Glasgow Central station.

Police later traced McConnel and he was held in custody.

Harvie Diamond, defending, told the court the pair knew of each other.

The lawyer added: "He said he was threatened by the man and that if he got a hold of him, he would be getting quite a doing.

"Mr McConnel was drinking and came across the man at a supermarket and the threat was on his mind."

Sheriff Sean Murphy QC told McConnel that a custodial sentence was inevitable.

He added: "You have five previous convictions for assault and this had a degree of preparation as you were carrying a sharpened stick.

"The court must take note of that as you could have done other things to get rid of the situation."