A Glasgow cab driver who knocked down a cyclist has managed to keep his licence but been issued a warning from the council’s licensing committee.

Stephen McFadyen, will remain as a private hire car driver despite being convicted under the Road Traffic Act in September 2018, fined £245 and having his licence endorsed with seven penalty points.

On March 28, 2018 Mr McFadyen drove his vehicle on a named street in Glasgow without due care and attention when he carried out a right turn manoeuvre. 

He failed to keep  the car under proper control and collided with an oncoming cyclist causing damage to both the vehicle and injury to the cyclist.

Mr McFadyen was offered a conditional offer of three fixed penalty points and a £100 fine which he refused as he did not believe the accident was his fault. 

The driver was asked to explain himself to members of the licensing committee on Wednesday morning.

He explained: “I wanted to challenge this at court which is why I didn’t accept the £100. The cyclist came through a red light but I was told that the cyclist “is always right”.

“The next thing I knew was that I had been fined £245 and given seven penalty points on my licence. I didn’t get the chance to defend myself at court. 

“I was turning the corner and as far as I was concerned the cyclist came through the red light and ran into me.  He caused the collision, not me.

“I have been driving a private hire car for about eight to ten years and have never been in front of the committee before.”

Members were informed that the seven points expired from the licence on March 28, 2021. There are currently three points on the licence which are due to expire in May next year.

Chairman Alex Wilson said: “I understand that the penalty points from this incident have expired but this is still a serious incident where a cyclist was injured. 

“Whether it be your fault, their fault – that’s down to the court to decide. We will look at this and will make a decision.”