STAFF at a Glasgow secondary school are making sure they keep pupils safe by undertaking First Aid courses.

Now more than 25 teachers at King's Park Secondary are fully qualified in life saving techniques.

And the school now also has a defibrillator machine in case of cardiac arrest.

St Andrew's First Aid's Director of Campaigns & Public Engagement Jim Dorman said: "We are absolutely delighted to further our working partnership with King's Park Secondary School by presenting them with this defibrillator.

"This device has proven it can save the life of someone who has suffered a sudden cardiac arrest.

"It shows that King's Park Secondary School is putting the health and welfare of its pupils, staff and visitors to the forefront and is also a huge boost to the local community."

This development in staff and gifting of the defibrillator machine has been in partnership with St Andrew’s First Aid.

And the secondary said it is grateful for the partnership.

A spokesperson said: "A defibrillator has been something we wanted in school for a while.

"It has recently been prominent in sporting events and we really wanted to know we could prolong life if a cardiac arrest was to happen."

A representatives from the school's Youth Parliament added: “This addition could save lives.

"It is practical and we are so thankful as it really could happen to anyone.”

Councillor Chris Cunningham, City Convener for Education, Skills and Early Years praised King's Park's efforts.

He said: "This is a lovely story of the school’s commitment to health and wellbeing both for their school and local community and I want to congratulate the staff for gaining their first aid certificates."