A WOMAN who vanished from her home overnight has been spotted walking down a road in Cumbernauld.

Karen Stevenson, 42, was reported missing after leaving her home in Lairds Hill, Seafar between midnight and 8.30am.

Now her last known movements have been established, as she was seen walking in the direction of Fleming Road and Brown Road. 

She is described as 5ft 1in tall, of slim build with long brown hair.

Karen is believed to be wearing a purple parker-style jacket with a black fur-lined hood, a cream long sleeve t-shirt, black leggings, and black ankle boots.

She also may be carrying a small pink handbag decorated with metal studs and with a chain strap.

Sergeant Greig McKail said: “We are becoming increasingly concerned for Karen’s welfare as this is completely out of character. If anyone has seen her or knows where she might be, please call us.

“Likewise, if Karen sees or hears about this appeal I would ask her to get in touch so we know she is safe and well.”

Anyone with any information of Karen's whereabouts is advised to call 101, quoting incident number 3369 of February 19.