JURORS today watched footage of a Dutch crime writer allegedly murdered by a Scots suspect being gunned down.

Martin Kok, 49, was killed outside a sex club in the town of Laren in the Netherlands on December 8, 2016.

Christopher Hughes, 33, is alleged to have been involved in the killing with a named individual and others.

Information about Kok's whereabouts was claimed to have been passed to others before an initial attempt to kill the Dutchman was made.

Jurors were warned by judge Lady Scott at the High Court in Glasgow about the potentially "distressing" footage shown to the trial.

Mr Kok and Hughes were identified by detective inspector Michael Lochrie, 33, as entering the club and leaving after four hours.

Mr Kok was witnessed entering the driver's side of a parked Volkswagen Polo first with Hughes behind him.

Prosecutor Liam Ewing QC asked: "A figure emerges from a bushed area and appeared to be leaning towards the driver's side?"

DI Lochrie replied: "Yes."

Mr Ewing followed up: "We can see a flash."

The witness again stated: "Yes."

Mr Ewing said: "Shots are being fired at Mr Kok who is sitting at the driver's side and we can see the flashes from that - there is no controversy if I describe him as a shooter."

The man in dark clothing with white soles on his shoes was then seen to flee the scene.

Hughes was seen to walk out the car park before briefly returning and left again.

Footage also captured a Toyota Auris with a black stripe parking and leaving the scene of the murder while Mr Kok was inside.

Jurors were earlier shown Mr Kok and Hughes entering the Citizen M hotel in Amsterdam on the day of the murder.

Mr Kok was seen leaving with a man around 90 minutes later.

Mr Ewing asked DI Lochrie: "A third figure emerges from the left and appears to be holding something to the head of Mr Kok?"

He replied: "Yes."

Mr Ewing said: "The figure runs off in the direction of parked cars and Mr Kok follows up the road.

"There does not seem to be any reaction from Mr Kok or or the other man."

A Toyota Auris with a black stripe down the side was seen to drive past the hotel minutes later.

Jurors were then taken back to footage from earlier in the afternoon where a similar vehicle passed the hotel.

A man in light trousers and a dark top was also seen to be loitering in the area.

Mr Kok was then seen to enter the hotel several minutes before Hughes whose hands were seen at his stomach.

A similar Toyata car was also seen to be in the area on several occasions - a man in light trousers also appeared outside the hotel.

Another man with white soles was shown to enter the hotel and exit minutes later after approaching a man inside.

A joint police statement by first responder Dutch officers Adam Gallagher and Maud Schram was read to the court.

It said: “Mr Kok’s head hung over his right shoulder.

“There was a wound to the left side of his head - it was a round shape and looked like a hole.”

The officers claimed they were told by an operator that the vehicle was involved in a report of explosives inside of it.

The club’s doorman Robertis Visser, 66, said in a statement that Mr Kok wanted to leave but had to wait on the man with a backpack he was with.

He added: “When I looked outside I saw someone at the driver’s side, where Mr Kok was sitting, dive in the bushes. 

“I don’t know who this person was and can’t describe him.

“When I saw him diving in the bushes, I thought it was the boy with the backpack as I let him out shortly before this but I’m not certain.”

Hughes denies further charges of attempted murder and being involved in serious organised crime in locations including Scotland, Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Italy as well as Holland.

He is also accused of being concerned in the supply of cocaine.

The trial continues.