AN ICONIC museum welcomed people through its doors yesterday for the first time in almost six months, but campaigners say further assurances are needed that it will fully re-open.

The People’s Palace in Glasgow Green has been closed for refurbishment since September 8 last year while upgrades take place to the top floor and the winter gardens.

But the glasshouse, which was built in the 19th century has been closed since 2018 after concerns about glass panels in the roof.

READ MORE: Interfaith Glasgow calls for St Mungo Museum to reopen after two years

Glasgow Times: A woman walks her dogs past banners calling for the People's Palace to re-open. Picture: Colin MearnsA woman walks her dogs past banners calling for the People's Palace to re-open. Picture: Colin Mearns

Representatives from the Friends of the People’s Palace and Winter Gardens group were outside yesterday, calling for all of the building to re-open fully.

Campaigner Mags Paterson said: “Though the Palace isn’t fully open and the weather is grim, it was great to see so many people coming down. A primary school party, and the Glasgow city tour bus made a wee stop. It just proves how much the people want this venue open.”

READ MORE: Revealed: Glasgow's People's Palace due to reopen its doors

Chair of the Friends of the People’s Palace campaign group, Elspeth King said that there is still work to be done in bringing the building back to its former glory. She added : “I’m happy to see it re-opened but I’m sad to see the state of the Winter Gardens.

Glasgow Times: Chair of Winter Gardens Campaign Group, Elspeth King. Picture: Colin MearnsChair of Winter Gardens Campaign Group, Elspeth King. Picture: Colin Mearns

"It’s very much less than the sum of its parts. I’m very grateful that there are public toilets again on Glasgow but I don’t like to see the museum used as a public toilet.

“It used to be a bustling, thriving, happy and well used place. It’s high time there was some investment.

Elspeth claimed that there has been ‘discrimination’ towards the People’s Palace following a multi-million pound spend on the Burrell Collection’s refurbishment. She added: “The discrimination against the People’s Palace goes as far back as we can remember, and against Glasgow Green as well.

READ MORE: Millions of pounds needed to transform People's Palace and Winter Gardens in Glasgow

“I’m hoping for the best but fearing the worst and I haven’t seen anything today to change my mind. They’ve opened it as they closed it, there has been nothing added.”

But, for Friends of the People’s Palace committee member Issie Wilson, there is a great deal to be optimistic about. She said: “This is a victory and we’ve got to take what we have and work with it.

Glasgow Times: Issie Wilson, Friends of the Winter Gardens and People's Palace committee member. Picture: Colin MearnsIssie Wilson, Friends of the Winter Gardens and People's Palace committee member. Picture: Colin Mearns

“This would not have happened without these campaigns.

“There’s cause for optimism here. People want this to re-open. There is a primary school on a trip here today.”

Venues across the city have suffered numerous closures and uncertainty over the last two years as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

In summer last year, the Glasgow Times launched the Save Our Venues campaign to call for action over venues that had not re-opened since Covid hit.

Glasgow Times: General view of the People's Palace and Winter Garden. Picture: Colin MearnsGeneral view of the People's Palace and Winter Garden. Picture: Colin Mearns

In last week’s budget, Glasgow city councillors gave assurances that the People’s Palace and Winter Gardens would be fully restored.

And late last year, bosses confirmed it would take “tens of millions of pounds” to bring the People’s Palace up to scratch. Councillor David McDonald, chair of Glasgow Life and Depute  Leader of Glasgow City Council said that they had applied for cash from the levelling up fund and he “remained hopeful” that the organisations would be able to secure funding from other external sources.

Glasgow Times: Re-opening of the People's Palace today, Wednesday 30th June. The museum at Glasgow Green was closed throughout lockdown. The adjoining winter gardens remain closed. Pictured is Cllr David McDonald, chair of Glasgow Life.

  Photograph by Colin

Councillor McDonald added: “The People’s Palace is one of Glasgow’s most cherished places.  For over 120 years it has been the home of the city’s social history, our collective memory, and a place that fosters a strong sense of belonging. The museum is home to many wonderful exhibitions, collections and artefacts that appeal to people of all ages, including Doon the Watter and The Buttercup Dairy.

“I look forward to this important venue reopening next week, and once again entertaining and informing Glaswegians and visitors to the city alike.”