TWO girls who were followed by a creep in Govanhill were so scared they ran home and hid under a table.

Eric Tancos, 24, frightened the young teens after following them in Govanhill Park, and to one of their homes, on March 26 last year.

He appeared in Glasgow Sheriff Court for sentencing after behaving in a threatening and abusive manner by following the victims for a “prolonged period of time”.

Fiscal depute Monique Cooney said: “At 6pm on March 25, 2021, the two girls were within Cathkin Park. They observed the accused wearing a burgundy-coloured bomber jacket. They didn’t think there was anything to be concerned about, but they noted his appearance.

“At 4pm on March 26, 2021, one of the girls arrived at her friend’s home. They attended Govanhill Park. Once within the park, both girls observed the accused again. He was wearing the same jacket.

“Initially, the girls stuck to the path which led around the perimeter of the park. He was initially situated near the middle of the park and then he began walking towards the girls via the same path.

“The girls kept walking around the park, and he continued to follow them. They thought that they were being followed so started to move towards the football pitch.

“The accused started staring at them. This lasted a prolonged period of time and made them feel uncomfortable.”

The victims, who were aged 14 at the time of the incident, left the park and made their way to Cathcart Road, where they entered a Spar store.

They then spotted Tancos walking towards the same shop.

Ms Cooney added: “As he entered the store, the girls informed an employee. Both left and the accused followed.

“Both were frightened and made their way towards one of their homes. They entered the house, locked the door, and closed the windows and blinds.

“They noticed the accused had followed them. They hid under a table and contacted police.”

The girls contacted a witness, who attended at the home. Officers also attended at the property then traced Tancos within Govanhill Park.

He changed direction and made his way towards the exit of the park after seeing the officers.

He was stopped, cautioned, and charged, and made no reply.

Tancos' lawyer explained that his client, who has a partner, had been at a friend’s party and was highly intoxicated.

He added: “He was unaware that the females were minors, and he was hoping to socialise with them.

“He realises they would have been terrified of him and he regrets his behaviour. He won’t find himself in this position again as he doesn’t intend to get so intoxicated again.

“He has been in the UK since he was 13 and this is his first conviction. He is happy to comply with any order.”

Sheriff Vincent Lunny said the offence was “quite sinister”

He added: “I’ll go down the road of a structured deferred sentence with the case to recall in three months to truly ensure this is a one-off.

“The social work will look at this behaviour and ensure it’s never repeated. It will come back before me to decide a disposal.”

Tancos, of Govanhill, will return to court in May.