A young boy has been awarded for his bravery after he called 999 for his mum in an emergency.

Six-year-old Benji from Drumchapel stayed calm under pressure and phoned for help when his mum, Becky Garrett, began to lose consciousness on January 25 this year.

Becky said: “I can’t even begin to describe how immensely proud I am of Benji - he really is my superstar. 

"Although I have tried my best to make him aware of the importance of knowing what to do in an emergency, I am just so proud that he actually remembered and stayed calm enough to not only dial 999 but also had the initiative to phone a family friend to let them know I was unwell too.”

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While Becky does not remember much from the day that she fell ill, she says that her son's actions were vital to her speedy recovery.

She said: "As you can imagine, this must have been so scary for a six-year-old to deal with but he did it and thanks to him I got the help I needed.” 

To celebrate his quick thinking, Benji was invited to visit the Scottish Ambulance Service base on Saturday, March 5.

Glasgow Times:

The brave young boy, who hopes to be a firefighter when he is older, was given a tour around the premises and presented with a special certificate from staff member John McCue.

John, who was part of the team that responded to Benji's 999 call, said: “When we arrived, Becky was lying on the sofa. She was responsive to voice, pale and said she was cold.

"When we checked her temperature, it was very high - more than 39 degrees.

"It was decided that she required further assessment at the hospital. 

"Benji was his mum’s hero that day, realising that she needed help and being brave enough to call 999 and ask for an ambulance.

"When we were leaving for the hospital, Benji gave his mum one of his favourite teddies so she wouldn't be lonely.”

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John was one of three SAS staff members who attended, alongside Ailsa McConnell, Technician/Trainee Paramedic, Glasgow West Station and Melissa McCall, 2nd-year GCU Paramedic Student.

The call was taken by Christine Sharkey, based in the West ACC, and the dispatcher was Angela Nicol

Following the incident, Becky is hoping that by sharing their story, she and Benji will inspire others to speak with their children about how to handle an emergency situation.

She said: "If there’s one message you can take from this, it is to please try your best to make them aware of the emergency services number and when is appropriate to use it - it really can make all the difference.

"Who knows what would have happened had Benji not done that for me - he really is my hero.”

Well done Benji!