A TEENAGER who allegedly ran onto the pitch at Celtic Park walked free from court today.

Ethan Duncan, 18, was said to have committed breach of the peace at a Hoops match against Hearts on February 12, 2020.

Court papers stated that Duncan conducted himself in a disorderly manner by running on to the field of play and approached players.

Celtic later beat the Edinburgh outfit 5-0.


Duncan, of the city's Cadder, was set to go on trial at Glasgow's Justice of the Peace Court.

But, he did not enter the dock as prosecutors pulled the plug on his case before the trial was to begin.

A Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Spokesperson said: “Prosecutors have a duty to keep cases under review and after careful consideration of the facts and circumstances, including the available admissible evidence, the procurator fiscal decided that there should be no proceedings taken at this time.

"The Crown reserves the right to proceed in the future should further evidence become available."